#NursesUnite After ‘The View’ Mocks Miss Colorado’s Talent

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Photo: Getty Images

If you’re wondering why your nurse pals are posing proudly across your Instagram and Twitter feeds, you can point fingers at the hosts of ABC’s The View for their cracks about one Miss America contestant’s impressive talent.

While co-host Michelle Collins shared her thoughts on this year’s pageant during Tuesday’s episode of the daytime talk show, she brought up the fact that contestant Kelley Johnson wrote and performed a monologue about her nursing career for her talent portion.

“There was a girl who wrote her own monologue and I was like ‘Turn the volume up, this is going be amazing—let’s listen,'” Collins said. “She came out in a nurse’s uniform and basically read her emails out loud and, shockingly, did not win. I swear to God it was hilarious.”

Her co-host Joy Behar then chimed in, “Why does she have a doctor’s stethoscope on?”

Collins continued the cringeworthy commentary by telling the crowd, “She helps patients with Alzheimer’s, which I know is not funny, but I swear, you have to see it. Like, Google it if you can.”

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Nurses across the country immediately rallied on social media to support the 22-year-old Miss Colorado, who has yet to address the comments publicly. Using the hashtag #NursesUnite, men and women began sharing photos of themselves in scrubs—and stethoscopes (yes, nurses do use them)—with fiery messages directed at the The View roundtable members.


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Instagram Photo


Collins and Behar definitely heard the message; the hosts addressed the controversy during their segment on Wednesday and assured that “We love nurses. We adore you; we respect you.” (Collins on-air apology came after she first quipped on Twitter about the “hidden anger you nurses possess” and advised them to “prescribe themselves a Valium.”)

“You guys are wonderful. You’re the most compassionate people,” Collins continued. “I was not talking about her as a nurse. We were talking about the talent competition, and it got misconstrued.”

She also added that all of the nurses deserve raises: “Give ’em more money. Give them everything. Give them my money,” Collins said.

Behar, on the other hand, said she wasn’t paying close enough attention during the segment and didn’t realize Johnson was in fact a nurse. Instead, she mistakenly thought a contestant was just in a costume. “It was just stupid and inattentive on my part,” Behar added.

Check out Johnson’s Miss America monologue below:

RELATED: ‘Scrubs’ Star Judy Reyes: Give Nurses the Props They Deserve

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