This Blog Tells You How to Make a Woman Orgasm

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

The female orgasm has mystified people for years. While it’s true that some women achieve orgasm pretty regularly, for others it’s not that simple. In fact, research shows that men (regardless of sexual orientation) are more likely to reach the big O than women. All of this leaves a lot of women wondering: Wait. What’s normal?

Introducing “How to Make Me Come,” a Tumblr that’s giving women an anonymous platform to sound-off on this sexual disparityand maybe get some answers, or at the very least, some peace of mind that they’re not alone.

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Inspiration sparked for the founder (who wishes to remain anonymous) after a conversation with a close friend about one of her own experiences. “The feeling of being so vulnerable and open through a conversation with one woman made me want to expand the conversation. I wanted to talk about this on a larger scale with more women!” she explained to Health in an e-mail. Female sexual pleasure is often “ignored, devalued, and misunderstood,” she said.

The about page on the blog reads: “This is a collection of anonymous essays by women talking about female orgasm… Imagine you could give this essay to a past or future sexual partner, free of judgment or repercussion. What would you want them to know?”

The page quickly grew in popularity, and now boasts 82 unique posts, detailing a spectrum of experiences. Some women, like No. 25, have no trouble when it comes to reaching climax. While others, like No. 72, have never had an orgasm.

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For her part, the founder has also used the blog to talk about her own sexual challenges, with the hopes of helping others with similar frustrations. She advises women: “Be kind to yourself. Don’t focus so much on climaxing during sexual experiences. Try and focus on sensations, [and] what feels good.”

The posts are honest, shocking, sad, funny, heartwarming, and often instructional (one woman actually created a complete syllabus). But what’s most important is these formerly taboo tales have a place to exist and be heard.

The creator explains she hopes all of these stories will “inspire more open conversation with friends and sexual partners.”

After all, one of the biggest hindrances to having great sex is a lack of communication. “We are doing a disservice to ourselves and our partners when we remain silent about how we feel, both physically and emotionally,” she adds. “The only way to approach the mystery of your partner’s experience is to have a deep awareness and sense of empathy for the spectrum of possibilities, and then have an open communication about what you are both going through.”

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This is important because a space for honest conversation about sex reminds us that everyone’s experiences are unique. The lesson: it’s okay if your sexual escapades don’t resemble Hollywood scenes.

“Give yourself permission to exist as you are,” she says. “Our sex lives are works in progress. Let’s not put pressure on ourselves to have it all figured out.”

To read all of the complete stories, check out the blog for yourself. Who knows, maybe you’ll even be inspired to share (or vent) your own story.

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