Nineteen-year-old actress and singer Zendaya took a powerful stand Tuesday night after a magazine severely re-touched images of her.
After seeing the outcome of a recent photo shoot for L.A.-based fashion magazine Modeliste, she was totally taken aback: “Had a new shoot come out today and was shocked when I found my 19-year-old hips and torso quite manipulated,” the Disney star wrote in an Instagram post, along with a before-and-after pic of her obviously Photoshopped body.
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The image is troubling and serves as a reminder of our society’s obsession with an unattainable body type. After all, if the already super-slim actress had to be manipulated for print, what hope is there for the rest of us?
Luckily Zendaya wasn’t having any of it. “These are the things that make women self-conscious. That create the unrealistic ideals of beauty that we have,” she wrote.
No doubt thanks to her stand, the magazine announced they would swap the retouched photo for the original image, and Zendaya thanked them via Instagram for fixing it. Modeliste released a statement on the brand’s Instagram stating the unedited photos will be released on their website later today:
While these incidents are frustrating, it’s comforting to know awesome young women like Zendaya aren’t going to put up with this nonsense. “Anyone who knows who I am knows I stand for honest and pure self-love,” she wrote.
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