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Have you been watching the new NBC cop drama Shades of Blue? I am kind of obsessed, and not just with all of the plot twists, but also with J.Lo’s boxing skills (Click here and fast-forward to the 8-minute mark—you won’t be sorry!). This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Jennifer Lopez in the ring though. Remember Enough and Money Train? Throwing punches is clearly one of the 46-year-old’s secrets to staying in shape.
“Boxing not only shreds calories, but you’re actually learning a skill which engages your mind and keeps your workouts from ever getting monotonous,” explains Christa DiPaolo, creator of The Cut, a new boxing-inspired workout at Equinox. “It also reduces stress, builds confidence, is extremely empowering, and will leaving you feeling like a total badass.”
I think I speak for all of us when I say, we too want to box our way to a beautiful body! So DiPaolo created this 15-minute, 5-round circuit to help us get into knockout shape. Do this total body blast 3-4 times a week and you’ll start to see results—we’re talking tight core and strong, lean glutes and legs—in just a couple of weeks. (If you’re a newbie, check out the boxing lingo crib sheet below.)
RELATED: The Workout SI Swimsuit Cover Model Hailey Clauson Swears By
Round 1
*Perform all moves with 2- to 3-lb weights
For 1 minute
Orthodox Stance: Jab, Cross, Slip right, Slip left
For 1 minute
South Paw Stance: Jab, Cross, Slip left, Slip right
For 1 minute
Weighted Jump Rope: With a weight in each hand, jump up and down alternating feet back and forth as you circle wrists; continue for 30 seconds. Without stopping, transition legs into high knees for another 30 seconds.
Round 2
*Perform all moves with 2- to 3-lb weights
For 1 minute
Orthodox Stance: Jab, Cross, Left Hook, Bob & Weave Right
For 1 minute
South Paw Stance: Jab, Cross, Right Hook, Bob & Weave Left
For 1 minute
Sit up with 1-2 punch: Lie with knees bent, feet on floor, and arms hinged at elbows and lowered back toward ears; a weight in each hand. Engage core and round up slowly as you contract triceps, bringing weights to front of chest. At top, jab left arm out, retract, and then throw a left cross. Roll back down and repeat motion.
Round 3
*Perform all moves with 2- to 3-lb weights except the Front Push Kick
For 1 minute
Orthodox stance: Jab, Cross, Left Upper Cut, Right Upper Cut, Duck
For 1 minute
South Paw stance: Jab, Cross, Right Upper Cut, Left Upper Cut, Duck
For 1 minute
Front Push Kick: Get into reverse table top and driving with left heel and hip, kick left foot out. Return it to floor and then repeat motion with right foot. Continue alternating. Make it harder: Add an alternating punch.
RELATED: Mix-and-Match Boxing Moves for a Better Body
Round 4
*Perform all moves with 2- to 3-lb weights
For 1 minute
Orthodox stance: Jab, Cross, Left Hook Body, Snap Kick
For 1 minute
South Paw stance: Jab, Cross, Right Hook, Snap Kick
For 1 minute
Reverse Plyo Lunges: Start with feet hip-width apart, step right foot back, coming into a lunge and then swing your right leg forward, bringing knee up as you hop up onto your left foot. Repeat for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Round 5
*Perform all moves with 2- to 3-lb weights except the Push-up with Elbow Strike
For 1 minute
Orthodox stance: Double Jab, Cross, Front Push Kick, Back Push Kick
For 1 minute
South Paw Stance: Double Jab, Cross, Front Push Kick, Back Push Kick
For 1 minute
Push-up with Elbow Strike: Get into triceps push-up position, with elbows tight to body and feet wide; perform one push-up. Lift right foot, rotating entire body to the left until you are faceup, and then throw elbow back as if punching someone behind you. Reverse motion to start and repeat on other side. Too hard? Do the push-up on your knees.
RELATED: 11 Exercises That Build Muscle Without Bulk
Your boxing lingo crib sheet
Orthodox stance: Start with feet staggered and a little wider than shoulder-width apart, left in front of right. Bend knees slightly and hold hands at cheek level, turning palms slightly toward face. Hands should mirror feet, with the left slightly in front of the right.
Southpaw stance: Start with feet staggered and a little wider than shoulder-width apart, right in front of left. Bend knees slightly and hold hands at cheek level, turning palms slightly toward face. Hands should mirror feet, with the right slightly in front of the left.
Jab: Hold hands at face level; with power, quickly extend your right/left fist, twisting arm so that you land the punch with your palm facing down. Quickly pull fist back in.
Cross: Punch your right/left hand straight out, turning palm towards floor as you pivot the right/left side of your body— foot, knee and hip— into punch. Return to start.
Slip: Pivot clockwise/counterclockwise, bending knees and ducking head to the right/left.
Hook: Raise left/right elbow to shoulder height and out to the side. Keeping forearm parallel to floor, pivot left/right heel up as left/right hip rotates forward, and punch sideways.
Bob & Weave: Pretend you are standing to the left/right of an invisible rope that is chin level. Lower into a squat as you circle body under the rope and to the right/left of it; stand back up.
Upper Cut: Bend right/left elbow into body, rotating right/left hip and heel, then immediately punch up (think up and under your foe’s chin).
Duck: Bend knees and lower into a half squat.
Snap Kick: Lift the right/left knee at least waist high, extend leg straight out, kicking with ball of foot, and then recoil leg back in.
Front Push Kick: Lift left/right foot, bend knee, bringing thigh parallel to floor. Driving with heel and hip, kick left/right leg straight out in front of you. Return to start.
Back Push Kick: Lift left/right foot, bend knee, bringing thigh parallel to floor. Look over left/right shoulder. Hinge forward, and driving with heel and hip, kick left/right leg straight back. Return to start.
from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health