Watch Gwyneth Paltrow Take a Dance Class Taught By Toddlers

Gwyneth Paltrow may swear by the Tracy Anderson Method, but she is always willing to test out the latest fitness fad. So we weren’t at all surprised that she managed to score a spot in an “impossible to get into” new dance class.

Last night the goop founder joined The Late Late Show‘s James Cordon for an intense “toddlerography” session with some tiny but tough instructors. (Rumor has it they made Beyoncé cry.) In the hilarious clip above, the grown-ups try their best to keep up with the tots’ fast-paced moves, from jumping jacks to squats to some impressive leg lifts that would make Anderson proud.

RELATED: I Took Gwyneth Paltrow’s Healthy Living Advice for a Week

When the class winds down, Paltrow and Cordon are out of breath and more than ready to hydrate—with apple juice, naturally.

from Health News / Tips & Trends / Celebrity Health

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