The Weight Loss Detox Diet

Weight loss detox diets have become very popular with celebrities, because they allow people to lose weight quickly, usually about 5-7 pounds in 1-2 weeks. That sounds great, but like most fads, people put the weight back on as soon as the detox is over. Why? Because, they aren't eating anything. It is basically a liquid diet, like the very popular lemonade diet. They are severe calorie deficient detox diets that allow the body to lose significant weight in a very short period of time. But, as soon as you start eating again, all the weight comes back. That may work for an actress who needs to look great for 1 scene, but that won't work for you assuming you want to keep the weight off

The good news is that there is a way to detox and lose weight which will not only keep the weight off, but insure you get maximum health benefits... For example, if you do a detox correctly, you can expect to see your skin clear up, cellulite and fat will start to melt away, you should have very restful sleep, and strong, sustained energy throughout the day. Let's learn more about this very specific weight loss detox, not to be confused with the other fads and scams out there right now. It follows two steps...

Step 1

To give your body the tools it needs to detoxify, cleanse and regenerate, a weight loss detox diet must give the body even more vitamins, minerals and nutrients than normal. This means that fasting is NOT a good choice. You want to eat foods rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants that enable your body to flush the toxins and pollutants that have accumulated over your lifetime. By eating these foods, you will detox safely and also lose weight. The foods you will be eating are rich in nutrients, high in fiber, and low in fat. You can expect to lose between 3-7 pounds over a 7-10 day period. And, you will not gain the weight back. Why? Because, you aren't starving yourself. Your body will be relinquishing the fat in a healthy way. The best part is that you will see many other benefits besides weight loss. You will also lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, boost your immune system, have much more energy etc...

A great example of this is Vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown in many, many studies to help in weight reduction. According to researchers from Arizona State University, individuals consuming sufficient amounts of vitamin C oxidize (burn) 30% more fat during moderate exercise than those who consume insufficient amounts. In addition, too little vitamin C in the bloodstream has been shown to correlate with increased body fat and waist measurements. This is the best source of whole food, all natural vitamin C anywhere. Please, see The Weight Loss Detox Diet below to learn more...

Step 2

The second step is to use some powerful, organic superfoods and herbs to speed up and magnify the process of detoxing and losing weight. Use the highest quality herbs well known for their ability to increase the metabolism and remove fat from the body. Specific herbs are able to lower blood pressure and build strength in the walls of the veins and arteries which is very important for protecting the heart from excess fat. The combination of herbal formulas that can help the body lose weight and protect the heart are ideal for a weight loss reduction program. Please, see below to learn more...

Click Here to learn more about the Weight Loss Detox Diet
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Weight Loss Detox Diet Info
Scott Malin is rapidly becoming a widely respected writer on the subject of nutrition and detoxification. You can find excellent advice about how to successfully detox in a safe and healthy way at:
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Weight Loss Tips - The Top 10

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips
Losing weight and keeping it off isn't difficult - all you need is a few changes and the motivation to get you started. Not sure where to begin? Have a look at these great tips for easy weight loss..

1) Keep a Food and Exercise Diary
This is a great way of keeping track of your foods, drinks and how much you have worked out over a week. Be honest with yourself and write down everything - even if you have a bad day.

2) Exercise to Maintain Weight Loss

Exercise helps you burn fat and calories and also helps boost your metabolic rate, even when you're resting so try to work your way up to doing a 30 minute workout 5 days a week.

3) Measure Food Amounts at Home

Weigh out foods and don't eat too much of the 'wrong' thing. For example if a recipe tells you to use 2tbsp dressing, don't go over this as a few more excess measurements all adds up to excess calories.

4) Still Eat Foods you Like

Have a rare treat so that you don't feel too deprived - just don't let a small treat turn into a big binge of crisps, chocolate, alcohol and fast food - you'll destroy all the hard work you've put in!

5) Think Long Term - Not Short Term

Losing weight fast is what everyone wants, but losing weight slowly actually allows your body to adjust and keep weight off for longer. Set goals for losing weight but think of it as a long term venture.

6) Savour Your Food

When you eat - enjoy it! Chew and enjoy the textures and flavours of your food - this will keep you fuller for longer and will reduce the likelihood of you reaching for the unhealthy snacks later.

7) Increase Workout Intensity

As a beginner you may be able to manage short workouts 2-3 times a week. Find the time to exercise and gradually increase your workout program to help you keep the weight off.

8) Keep Motivated

Buy yourself treats such as new clothes to celebrate your weight loss, work towards your goals such as having energy to play in the garden with your children - anything that keeps you motivated.

9) Weigh Yourself Once a Week

Weighing yourself everyday is a bad idea - weight fluctuates when muscle mass etc is varying. Have a weekly weigh in (i.e. on Monday morning before breakfast) and use it as motivation for the next week's weight loss.

10) Enjoy Your Workout!

Performing the same workout day after day means that your body gets used to it, therefore making it less effective each time you do it. Varying your workout keeps it exciting and if you're enjoying it, you're more likely to put more effort in. Go cycling, swim, do dance classes, play football in the park, go jogging and mix up your workout regime and your body will continue to burn fat.

Try out these 10 simple tips and you'll not only be able to lose weight but also keep it off!
Hi I am Gary Abernathy author of this article 31 Day Fat Loss Cure and many more. I am a semi retired retail sales manager. I have been in Internet Marketing going on two years now, and I am enjoying every minute. I now write articles such as this one, and have a web site set up so that people can read more interesting articles about Weight loss and related topics.. Please go to 31 Day Fat Loss Cure for more information.

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1200 Calorie Diabetic Diet - Is it Right For You?

Managing diabetes can seem like a careful balancing act as you try to maintain a consistent blood glucose level. Often our focus is on reducing calories in a bid to lose as much weight as possible, but how many calories can you safely skip when you have diabetes? For some diabetics, low blood sugar levels can be just as dangerous as high blood sugar levels, so not eating enough calories can lead to serious problems. Here we take a look at the 1200 calorie diabetic diet and how to determine if it is right for you.

Know Your Calorie Needs

Everyone has different daily calorie needs based on a number of factors, so a diabetic diet plan that works for some people, might not work for everyone. Factors such as your height, weight, gender and how much physical activity you do, all affect how much daily energy your body needs to properly function. On average, people tend to eat about 2000 calories a day, which makes a 1200 calorie diabetic diet sound quite limiting. To work out if a 1200 calorie diabetic diet suits you, the first step is to find out how many calories you as an individual need each day. A dietitian or health practitioner can help you work out what your particular needs are.

Once you know how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, you're half way to solving the weight loss equation! The basic formula for successful weight loss is to burn more energy then you consume. This means either increasing how much energy you use via exercise, or decreasing how much energy you consume in the form of calories, but usually a combination is recommended.

Unbalance the Calorie Scales

Whereas controlling your blood glucose levels is a balancing act, weight loss is an unbalancing act! You need to unbalance the amount of calories you consume, with the amount of calories you burn during exercise. So to lose 1 pound a week, each day you need to unbalance the 'calorie scales' by 500 calories. This could be done by either reducing your daily calorie intake by 500, or increasing your amount of exercise so you burn 500 more calories, or by reducing your intake by 250 and increasing how much you burn by 250. Here you can see that it is the difference in calories that really matters, and not necessarily the total calories. So a 1200 calorie diabetic diet may not be for everyone - it really depends on how much energy your body needs.

Make sure you consult your health care provider before starting a new diet, as it may require changes to any medication you may be taking. There are many different diabetic diet plans available, but you may find that a personalised approach produces the best results.

Click here to find more information about the Medifast diet and a 1200 Calorie Diabetic Diet as well as tips and advice on successfully losing weight.

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What Is A 1200 Calorie Diet?

The fact is a 1200 calorie diet can indeed deliver effective weight loss results IF it is done correctly, which means making those 1200 calories count, and not just simply aiming at the figure and disregarding everything else. Those 1200 calories could easily be eaten in a single meal, and just eating once a day will in fact be very detrimental to your over-all health and weight loss targets because it will slow down the body's metabolism drastically and thus slowing down the rate that your body would otherwise be burning energy.
1200 calories is even not the correct figure for everybody. It is actually the figure that's been determined as the minimum requirements of nutrition for healthy females that don't have active lifestyles. For men it's actually 1800 calories, but none of this is mentioned because the 1200 calorie diet wouldn't sound as simple and manageable if it had to explain important little details like that.

The biggest problem however is the way the 1200 calories is simply a blanket figure and no guideline is given to the nutritional needs of the human body at all. 1200 calories could mean 3 balanced and nutritious meals of fruits, vegetables and meats throughout the day or a bucket of fried chicken from the nearest drive-through. One will actually HELP you burn calories where as the other will result in severe malnutrition due to lack of vitamins if that kind of diet is maintained for a prolonged period of time.

Just because a diet restricts your caloric intake doesn't mean you can start restriction your nutrients intake, essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids remain just as essential to your body regardless of any diet you undertake.

To do a 1200 calorie diet in a positive, healthy and ultimately more beneficial way, you have to first understand that 1200 calories may simply not be enough for your body. You may at first think that, not enough calories is kind of the whole point, but when you really don't put enough in, your body goes into starvation mode and locks down the fat molecules that you do still have, ultimately grinding your metabolism to a near standstill and being far more counter-productive to your goals as the result.

Once you realise that maybe 1500-1800 may actually be more effective for your body, you then need to make sure that those few calories are spent wisely every day.

Getting enough vitamins, minerals and essential amino and fatty acids is now more important as the foods you are going to have to eat now have to be more nutrients dense and less energy dense. Wasted calories are food sources that are high energy and low in actual nutrients. So most greasy fried food or sugary carbohydrate dense foods are all suddenly off the menu.

If done with a nutritionally balanced mind-set, a calorie restricted diet can indeed deliver the right results. For even more information about the 1200 calorie diet [] visit our in depth discussion at []

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Easy Health and Fitness Tips

Staying fit and remaining physically active both intertwine with good health. There are other key factors such as nutrition and lifestyle which also play undeniable roles in the constitution of good health. More so than in any developed nation, there are many people all over the US that suffer tremendously related to health and fitness. Factors such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise and poor lifestyle choices are all elements that play cataclysmic roles in poor health.

With a vast majority of us living on-the-go lifestyles, it is no wonder that only a minute few still find the time to remain physically active and even remotely immersed in health and fitness. Life in the western world can be very hectic. This has left many opting to eat fast foods out of convenience, "saving" them time and effort.

Many do not even read the nutritional information on food packaging and this tends to lead to excess sugar, salt and unnatural chemicals being consumed in many diets.

What is more, technological advancements have made some tasks seem effortless. So for the vast majority of people, physical work or activity has now become somewhat of a rarity. What many people do not understand is that health conditions such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, bowel, colon and other cancers, and many more diseases can all be eradicated if not greatly reduced with sufficient exercise and good nutrition - essentially, investing in fitness and health.

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, the following is a list of quick and easy tips you can begin to use.
First, examine your diet: Read food packaging to find out what you're feeding your body, many health deficiencies are caused by unbalanced diets. The following is a rough guide.

Carbohydrates are the body's own form of gasoline so to speak. Just as a vehicle needs fuel to embark on a journey, so does the human body need fuel to move. There are so many healthy food alternatives in which one can obtain energy (carbohydrates) from. Brown rice is a great source of carbohydrates and unlike white rice; brown rice contains vitamins and iron. Many whole grain foods are great sources of carbohydrates (and fiber - which helps you stay full and regulates digestion). A person who is active and exercising should consume about 60% carbohydrates.

Protein is essential for the growth of cells and also for tissue repair. It is indeed imperative that you include sufficient amounts of protein into your diet. Eggs, and oily fish like sardines are great sources of protein (oily fish also tend to be good sources of omega 3 fatty acids). One of the many health benefits of omega 3 is a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Protein should make up about 20% of an active person's diet.

Fats. What do these have to do with health and fitness? Fats are not the enemy. They are also a necessary part of a balanced diet. They act as a reserve of energy. Fats also protect body organs. One of the ways to obtain healthy fats can be through using extra virgin olive oil, using this oil to make meals or as a salad dressing has many health benefits. One health benefit is that olive oil can help reduce blood pressure. Just remember to stick with healthy fats that can be found in foods like avocados. Fats (unsaturated) should be about 20% of your diet too.

Secondly, remaining active is essential for good health: Taking gradual but progressive steps is imperative. If you're inactive, try taking longer or brisk walks, or if you're ahead of the curve and want to have the support of a professional try attending a local fitness facility. Remember to always consult your physician before taking on any strenuous activity. The final step now is just to start on your journey towards better health and fitness.

K. Clifford has worked in the field of finance until 2009 when K left the field to pursue a different route into the world of fitness and business management at a fitness center in South Carolina. Helping clients reach their goals and managing a great business are the main focuses in K's life.
To get fit fast with a qualified professional check this out.

For an excellent health and fitness plan for visit this fitness blog.
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Easy Fitness Tips You Should Follow Daily

You should train the way Kenyans do if you want to be a faster runner or have more endurance while running. Kenyan runners begin their training with a slow run for one third of the total running time. You have to slowly increase your pace during your run. For the middle section of the run, you should run at approximately your normal speed. After a short amount of time, you should be at a nice and steady pace. If you practice this you will build the amount of distance and speed.

Try to make your cleaning part of your fitness routine. When you are vacuuming, you can lunge back and forth to work your abdominals. Do a few push-ups after scrubbing the toilet! Try to find small bits of physical activity on a daily basis and soon you will see yourself getting into shape.

If you want to build stamina you should really think about jogging. Start slowly. Then, week by week increase your jogging time. Ideally, your heart rate should be at 75 percent of your maximum. Depending on your age, this number should be between 120 and 150 bpm, or beats per minute.

Many people think that working their abs out daily is a good thing. In fact, daily ab workouts are not the best way to exercise this muscle group. Abdominal muscles, like other muscle groups, need periodic rest. Consider giving your abs a couple of days of rest between working them out.

Always dress comfortably for your workouts. If you work out at a fitness center, there can be some pressure to dress in the latest workout attire, but resist it. Choose clothes that appeal to you and fit well, so that you can enjoy your workout. Appropriate clothing can help you concentrate on working out and not on how your clothes appear to others.

Investing in a personal trainer is a wise investment if you can afford it. Not only will a personal trainer have a professional insight to share, but they will give you the motivation to stick with an exercise routine. Some people may not respond well to a personal trainer, but for others, they can be just what they need.

Vary your workout routine on a regular basis. Doing so will make your fitness plan less boring, helping to maintain your motivation to continue your workouts on a daily basis. Also, once your muscles become acclimated to a particular set of exercises, you stop getting as much benefit from that workout.

Fitness is crucial but lots of people think it's more difficult to achieve than it is in reality. This belief is false. Simple things in life, such as drinking water daily or eating properly, also have huge impacts on your fitness, yet require little work on your behalf. If better fitness and physique are ideals you ascribe to, apply the ideas presented here.

Anthony Falconer is a Certified Fitness Trainer and author. He is a contributing writer for the website, which provides more detailed information on getting lean and fit.
A FREE 5-part email course is available at - the course covers not only training, but also several other unique tips and tricks for obtaining a lean body.

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Can Sleep Contribute to Weight Loss?

Sleep is essential for weight loss and our overall health and well-being. Sleep will rejuvenate our immune system, nervous system and the entire physical body. It also assists the repair and growth of our muscles and other cells of the body. During this period of rest, the human consciousness is absent.

It's really important that we get a good night sleep every night. This fact holds true if we exercise daily or not.
I believe that we need a minimum of at least seven to eight hours of sleep every day. If one fails to have sufficient sleep every night then both the body and the mind are bound to be affected in a negative way.
Over a period of time that a person does not get the sleep he or she needs, they start to accumulate what is sometimes called sleep debt. Sleep debt is also known as sleep deprivation.

Sleep debt is the result of lacking sleep for a long period of time and eventually the person becomes more tired than normal on a daily basis. Symptoms from depriving one's own self of sleep show both mentally and physically.

Some of the mental symptoms include; irritability, moodiness, inaccurate thinking, confusion, hallucination, memory loss, inability to concentrate, increased tendency to think negatively.
Physical symptoms may show themselves as; headaches, hand tremors, muscle aches and pain, developed bags under the eyes, yawning, weight gain, weight loss, increased sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures, increased blood pressure, increased stress.

The above is not a list of all the symptoms from the lack of sleep, but they are plenty. Depriving your self of sleep means to increase your stress level both mentally and physically. And stress in general is not good for a person wanting to lose some extra baggage.

When you sleep, it is important to be comfortable. If you have to, keep any television or noise maker (technology) out of the bedroom as it can have an effect on your sleep. Sleep in a quiet room with the lights out. Any distraction can pull your mind away from proper rest.

Sleep and Metabolism

Your metabolism does not stop when you sleep. In fact, it slows down slightly but remains active to process any food in your system. There is an old adage that says "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy."
It's true. To keep a healthy lifestyle both mentally and physically, you also require relaxation. Relaxation is not just about sleeping or taking time to sit down and relax but to do something you enjoy.

Be it a hobby like building model airplanes or reading a book to your liking. Relaxation is much like sleep in the fact that it helps rejuvenate your overall wellbeing.

Waking up, eating, going to work and then taking time for exercise should be followed by play and relaxation - every day.

It's insufficient to give yourself the excuse that you "don't have the time" or "I can't do it".
Not too much and not too little, but just enough.

Find a good balance of sleep and relaxation. The following are 4 questions you should give some serious thought to:
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • Do you enjoy reading and/or writing?
  • Do you enjoy playing a musical instrument?
  • Do you want to start a business?
Whatever it is, make time for it.
Another way to experience relaxation is to sit down in a comfortable chair, where you won't be disturbed, and sit in silence. Some call it meditation and others call it a few minutes of peace.

Give your mind a rest and your body will rest, too! Take this time to sit down or lie down and just keep a clear mind. Hold no thought of what you have to do later or the next day or week; just clear your mind away from all the hustle and bustle of the outside world and breathe.

I've recently posted a new piece on my blog about the McDonalds binge I went on. Follow the link and find out how I actually lost weight by eating fast food:
Also, for a jump start weight loss guide:
To Your Health and Well-Being.
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Hormonal Weight Loss

These days, it seems like everyone is talking about hormonal weight loss. Diet programs that involve re-calibrating your body's natural hormone levels seem to be the secret to losing weight quickly. These programs can make you healthier improve your eating habits and balance your hormone levels. These programs work for both men and women.

How Hormonal Weight Loss Programs Work
Our body produces hormones that tell us when to eat and when to sleep. A safe hormone diet helps reset your body's natural metabolism. Your body will be burning fat to get the calories it needs. This way, you are losing pounds of fat, not pounds of muscle.

In addition to helping you lose weight, doctors have found that a hormone readjustment can also help you sleep better and have more energy. They can also relieve migraines.

Traditional diets leave you feeling constantly hungry and dissatisfied. However, with a hormone diet re-calibrating your metabolism, you will feel nourished and sated with half of the calories. No more chalky tasting powder shakes, bland, frozen diet dinners or rubbery snack bars. With a hormonal weight loss program you can eat real food that is made from fresh ingredients.

Finding the Right Program for You
It is important to find the program that is right for you. Most programs range from two to six weeks. They begin with a detoxification period in which you remove the foods from your diet that cause inflammation, water retention and allergies. This includes gluten-free carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, fish, meat, goat cheese, soy or other non-dairy milk, eggs, and canola oil. You will most likely lose between 4 and 12 pounds in this initial period. This is largely because your body is not retaining as much liquid. From that point on, your weight loss should even out to about 2 pounds per week. In the second phase, you can slowly add back in certain foods to assess their effect on your body.

Studies have shown that the whole endocrine system effects weight loss and gain. Hormones dictate when you crave food, where the fat is stored in your body and also how much fat you burn. How much weight you gain is not necessarily because of your eating habits, but because of a hormonal imbalance.

That said, it is important to maintain a diet of fresh, healthy foods when on a hormonal diet program. Organic food is best. Stay away from processed foods or foods that contain a lot of preservatives.

The key to a successful hormone diet is eating the right foods at the right time. A good program can help you take control of a healthy schedule. This way, you will balance your hormones and lose weight. Furthermore, support during and after the dietary program is very important. It is easier to stick to a routine when you have the counsel and support of friends and family or a specialized clinic.

For more information about a successful hormone weight loss diet plan visit Doctors' Quick Weight Loss Sarasota today for more information.
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Different Options for Natural Weight Loss Pills

Observing the market is one thing that humans usually do. Trends are created that way. When one person, especially a celebrity does it, everyone else follows. This is also the reason why commercials with testimonials have been popping up one after another. If it is not a celebrity, then it is a person who fits the effects that they are looking for.

Taking that into consideration, you may say that most manufacturers in the market are now looking to natural components or ingredients to incorporate their products. Such change is evident in food supplements, and one supplement that is abusing such trend supplements.

Natural weight loss pills touches on every aspect imaginable, and sometimes, uses ideas which have been used by other fields of fitness. Example of this idea is the use of whey protein. This concept of using whey protein has been used to build up muscles in the body.

However, its effects are not limited to building muscles.

Whey protein also helps in suppressing ones appetite. By suppressing the appetite, it urges your body to eat less thus the accumulation of food, particularly fat, in the body is less likely. In addition, it is easily digested in the body thus it does not stay in the body for too long to have any rebound effect.

Garcinia cambodia is another option. Its component named Hydroxycitric Acid, commonly known as HCA, is the reason behind its natural weight loss supplements capabilities. Looking back, it has been used by the people of India as a remedy to problems felt at the stomach or in the joints. Research tells the public that this component of the fruit is capable of increasing absorption and metabolism of fat. In that regard, you are avoiding its accumulation in your body.

Further research also found out that this can also suppress ones appetite by changing some chemical composition in the brain. That is why it is contraindicated in patients who have problems in the head, though it has not been proven. It is still better to be sure, especially when you talk about a person's life being at stake.

This composition has been used by multiple natural weight loss pills. It is also held in high regard among its peers. As a result, it is one of the hottest to hit the market in a long time. Studies are still ongoing regarding its side effects as it remains to be proven.

Beta glucan is also a choice for those who have high levels of cholesterol in their system. Though the loss of weight is just an added effect, it is an effect that any individual would surely love to have.

There are also other options which have been promoted to become part of natural weight loss pill, and its named chitosan. This comes from the shells and exoskeletons of insects, though studies reveal that it is able to improve the body's absorption of fat. Its gross nature may make people shy away from using it.
There have been legitimate and intimidating options for weight loss. Just remember that it is not one strategy, but a combination. You will only lose weight when you combine regular exercise and a proper diet with the food supplements that you are taking.

for the best weight loss pill ever go to
to find out more
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How Fast Weight Loss Can Be Achieved By Johnathan Higdon

Losing weight is a major struggle for many people especially those who are at the age of 40 years old and above simple because their rate of metabolism tends to become slower. Moreoever, age also causes certain hormonal changes which makes losing weight a lot more difficult. Now this may sound so overwhelming for someone who is just starting to want to push on with having a healthier lifestyle.

Basically, losing weight is not that difficult if you know the science and principles of weight gain and weight loss. The fact is, it is important that whatever you take in or eat, you should be able to metabolize it in order to convert it into energy and sufficient nutrients needed by the various vital organs in your body.

Here are some tips that could greatly help you lose weight.

1. Proper diet

Proper diet means that you should be able to know what you are eating. As much as possible stay away from food which are high in cholesterol. If this is difficult, then I suggest to eat your favorite in moderation. Moreover, it would be great if you could eat a lot of fruit because they could easily suppress your appetite. If possible, you could consult a dietician or a nutritionist so they could provide you with information on how much you should be eating daily.

2. Proper exercise

Exercise is vital in order to again a healthier body. Without proper exercise, the fats in your body will lie dormant and eventually just get bigger and bigger. It is important that you do daily exercises in order to sweat them off and at the same time make your vital organs especially the heart and lungs more active. The more physical exercise you do everyday, the more fats your burn. If you are aiming to trim down your body size, then I would suggest doing cardiovascular exercise simply because they can burn a lot of calories.

3. Proper supplements

When it comes to weight loss supplements, a lot of people usually have their own opinion on what is most effective. On my opinion, it is important that you choose the weight loss supplements that are effective, safe and are proven by the food and drug administration. Also, make sure that you go for ones that have a good reputation. Such weight loss supplements that come to mind are raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean extract.

Johnathan Higdon is a health and wellness blogger. He is considered an expert when it comes to reviewing health products and weight loss practices.

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Quick Weight Loss 101

When we decide to lose weight we want to see results fast. There are some diets for quick weight loss that produce short term results. The problems with rapid weight loss is the results can be short lived. However there are ways to lose weight fast and keep it of. It's important to know the healthy ways to lose weight fast.
Short Term Diets That Give Results
It is important that whenever you are looking into a diet you know it's potential for good and bad. Here are some fast weight loss methods.

  • 3 Day Diet: This diet is designed for short term use. It has an individual losing their water weight by following a very specific diet plan. The plan is designed to have exceptional metabolic reactions between the foods that it requires. This is a restrictive diet that is designed to boost fat burning.
  • Cabbage Soup Diet: This diet has been around for years, and in many different forms. It is a very restrictive diet which has survived over time. The cabbage diet lists what you can eat each day of the week. Since cabbage soup being the main menu choice, this diet can get old quickly. So do it one week at a time. It offers very short term results.
  • Grapefruit Diet: This diet has been around since the 1930s and is still going strong. This fast weight loss method is meant to be used for 12 days. This diet is very restrictive, if food isn't allotted in the diet it isn't allowed at all. This is a diet that said to help you lose weight through the ingestion of the unsweetened grapefruit juice. The truth is that you reduced calorie intake and this will encourage weight loss. There isn't a specific reason the grapefruit works other than it is a extremely nutritious and a low-calorie fruit.
  • Negative Calorie Diet: The negative calorie diet allows you to consume as much as you wish of certain foods. Those foods are negative calorie foods. They gain this name because it takes more calories to chew and process these foods than are in the foods. This is used as a diet for quick weight loss, as it doesn't balance foods correctly.
Long Term Tricks to Weight Loss
There are some fast weight loss methods that can hold you for long term weight loss. These are diets that start off with fast results and long term ability to keep off weight.

  • Low carb diet: This diet restricts you to only eating lean protein in the first stage. This forces the body into a ketosis stage that allows the body fat to burn rather than the ingested carbohydrates. It needs careful planning however as eating only protein can play havoc on your digestive system. Some form of fiber is essential. This helps you feel full as well as continue to encourage healthy bowels.
  • Don't Skip Meals: It is important you don't skip meals. It might even be a good idea to increase the number of meals we eat. This doesn't mean to add in full meals more times in the day, but to reduce all meal sizes allowing the ability to snack through the day. Every time we eat we wake up our bodies
  •  We begin to digest food, causing us to lose calories. It is important to remember to never skip breakfast. This is one important meal; it has been shown that a person eats more calories in a day when one doesn't eat breakfast.
  • Exercise and Strength Training: This is something that most diets will encourage. Exercise alone will not make you lose weight, however in conjunction with healthy eating it can do more than one might think. To increase muscle tone can increase the calories that you will use on an average basis. The suggestion is that 10 pounds of muscle can burn 30 more calories than 10 pounds of fat per day. That being said the more vigorous exercising you do the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose. However it can be as simple as taking a brisk walk every day.
There are many things that people do over the years to lose weight, however only a portion of them are meant for the long term weight loss. No matter what you decide on for weight loss; remember to talk to your doctor or nationalist regarding your weight loss plan. Know which ones are meant for short term, which is meant for a longer term. Find something that you are capable of doing with little regrets. These are the diets for quick weight loss, because giving up will never work.

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Weight Loss Tips

We live in a nation of growing obesity. Statistics indicate that obesity has doubled since 1980. A 2008 report showed that 1.5 billion adults were clinically obese and over 45 million children were obese. There are complications connected to being obese. Approximately 3 million people die yearly from disease brought on or made worse from obesity. These diseases include diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Practice Prevention: There are many things you can do to control your weight and prevent obesity. It is fundamentally a shift in how you think. You must realize that you have a great deal of power over your own health. Consider the fact that you in part, can control how you age and how you can maintain good health throughout your lifetime. Of course disease can occur to any of us. However you can greatly reduce your risks with a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Activity: Exercise is a very important part of any healthy lifestyle. Exercise will strengthen your body and you will begin to build muscle. Your metabolism will increase because muscle has a higher metabolic rate than fat. So add some strength training routines to your exercise program. You can incorporate 2-3 strength training routines weekly. Only 15-20 sessions can have a huge impact on your physical strength and health. You will begin burning fat and therefore lose weight.

Good Fats versus Bad Fats: There are healthy fats to add to your diet. These include omega fatty acids such as those found in fresh fish. Salmon is has one of the highest levels of good omega fatty acids. 2-3 servings weekly could be very healthy and helpful to your weight loss. Research has shown that monounsatured fats are very effective for weight loss. A good food to add to your diet is avocados. Although not the lowest in calories, avocadoes are extremely nutritious and high in monosaturated fats. Try adding some avocado to a salad or make a guacamole dip to eat with veggie sticks such as celery and carrots. Other healthy food choices for good fats include grass fed beef and extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil has numerous health benefits. It has been shown to increase the fat burning response in the body as well as lower inflammation levels.

Sugar: Sugar is something you definitely want to eliminate from your diet, particularly if you are trying to lose weight. When you consume too much sugar, this signals your body to use insulin to begin burning it off. As a result, your insulin will spike. Whatever isn't used will be converted by your body into fat. Try to limit your sugar intake to no more than 10 percent of your daily calorie intake. So for example if you consume 1500 calories daily, sugar should comprise only 150 of those calories. Always be on the lookout for hidden sources of sugar such as those found in soda and juices.

A Healthy Breakfast: When you are sleeping your metabolism goes into more of a resting state. This is referred to as "catabolism". In order to turn it on as efficiently as possible, you need to eat a good breakfast. Having a protein with breakfast is helpful along with whole grains. A good breakfast choice might be a veggie omelet with whole wheat bread. Or some oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and a protein bar. And remember to start the day with drinking some fresh pure water to hydrate your body.

Eating Styles: Eating smaller "mini meals" is a very effective way to help you lose weight. Eating your meals at consistent times is helpful. Eating every three hours during the day is a good way to keep your body consistently fueled with energy. This will also keep you from overeating. Many people overeat because they starve themselves all day and then they binge on a huge dinner. The whole key to keeping weight off is to keep your metabolic rate as high as you can. Skipping meals actually lowers your metabolism.

Reward System: Everyone once in a while you really need to just reward yourself. If you are too regimented in your eating habits and never allow yourself a little indulgence now and then, one of two things will happen. Either you will end up binging or you will quit and begin to go back to your old habits. It is well known that when you are too restrictive in your diet you will usually binge within a month and potentially gain even more weight.

Supportive Relationships: Being with like minded people who take care of themselves will really help you. If you are with peers who are overweight and have no motivation to get in shape you will probably do the same. We tend to mirror those we associate with. So if this is your situation, why not look to broaden your horizons and meet new and interesting people. You could join a gym, or a local meet up group that does walking, hiking, swimming, dance, etc. This will change your outlook on yourself. Before you know it, you will incorporate new and healthy habits into your own life and be on your way to successful weight loss.

Eliminate Junk Foods: Go through your kitchen and eliminate all of the unhealthy junk foods and processed foods you have around. You will benefit yourself and your family by doing so. If you have easy access to junk foods, the odds are you will eat it. Anytime you feel rushed or upset about something you will reach out to these types of foods. Focus instead on filling your pantry with healthy, wholesome foods. Keep snacks such as fresh fruit and no sugar yogurts in your home.

Water: Water is very important to your good health. You need to stay hydrated. If it is hard for you to drink water, add fresh lemon or lime. Try drinking 4 to 6 glasses per day of water. Drinking water is helpful to weight loss because it keeps you feeling full. An easy way to get your water intake is to bring a few bottles with you to work to have readily available to you. This will lessen the temptation to consume soda or fruit juices that are high in calories and filled with sugar. Remember, whenever beginning any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription drugs or suffer from any disease or ailment.

The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California is a world renowned alternative cancer treatment center. The Issels Treatment is an Integrative Immunotherapy program with a 50 year history. Founded in 1951 by a pioneer in integrative cancer medicine, Dr. Josef Issels, MD., a German oncologist, The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California treats patients with all natural non toxic therapies for a variety of health conditions including cancer.

If you would like more information regarding the treatments available at The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California, please call 805-962-2126 or toll free at 888-374-7735. And please visit the website at:
By Tina C. Loren
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An Incredible New Weight Loss Product: Your Brain!

I would like to introduce you to an incredible new weight loss product: Your brain...
A Bit of History

I discovered a very unique mental technique for weight loss many, many years ago from a great New Thought teacher, Dr. Joseph Murphy. When I posted it on my business forum a few years ago, members publicly thanked me for their weight loss a short time later.

In 2005, I decided to conduct a formal test of the technique with a group of volunteer participants to prove the effectiveness of this method, which had not been revealed to the mainstream, for the purpose of potentially adding it to my library of prosperity programs. But first, I wanted to see enough positive results from the general public to support it.

I added my own enhancements to the technique based on my extensive knowledge of the subconscious mind and the results from that challenge proved the value of the process. The experience supported my conviction that to achieve success in any area of our life, we must first create the inner foundation - the mindset. Our bodies are the mirror of our mental, emotional and spiritual states. And the good news is that we can change that reflection!

I believe that whether most people realize it or not, there is a profound hunger for this knowledge (okay, pun possibly intended) - the missing link and shift in consciousness that will produce fast solutions in all areas of life, including what I refer to as "body prosperity." Everyone is focusing on the outer solutions without attending to that vitally important foundation that will ensure their progress and results - the inner solution.
And Current Views 

Using mental laws, you can lose weight in a natural, effortless way - by gently shifting the dominant thought in your subconscious mind and no longer thinking of yourself as having to lose weight. You change the focus of your consciousness to what you do want instead of what you don't want. As long as you keep thinking of what you don't want, you will continue to manifest more of what you don't want. That is the nature of the subconscious mind and the foundation of mental law.

You must eliminate any belief in being a "dieter" or having to "lose weight" and instead create a new dominant thought in the mind of a fit, healthy body. Your subconscious mind will accept your new belief and will compulsively guide you to do everything necessary to accomplish that result.

A sculptor does not think at all about chipping away at stone or marble or clay... I believe he (or she) sees in the mind's eye the image of what they want to create - the vision of the end result. And that's what you are going to be doing with your body. You will no longer be concentrating on "chipping away" anything. You will be focused on the desired result. You will be creating the body that you want instead of bemoaning the body that you don't want.

You may have to lose a large amount of weight or perhaps you need to lose minimally. You are not alone in any category and many others share your challenge. That's what makes this process so interesting. A great teacher once said, "The law is no respecter of persons." This means that the mental and spiritual laws work the same for everyone, no matter who you are and what your situation is. We are all made of the same mind stuff and spirit. Just as gravity will work for all alike, so will these mental laws, if you align yourself with them.
By instilling new seed thoughts in the subconscious, you will be creating a new set of core beliefs, and those beliefs will in turn create healing and a new physical condition.
Magic Pill 

What is fascinating is that there is an ever-increasing number of diet books on the market, there is more knowledge available to us than ever before about nutrition and health, there are probably more gyms and fitness centers in our nation than at any other time. Yet our nation is "fatter" than it has ever been (and we need to stop blaming it all on sitting at computers).

The proliferation of weight loss programs and equipment marketed on the Internet, in all traditional media, and specifically on television, speaks volumes to the public's search for a new and better magic pill.
Something does not make sense here. My opinion is that we are attempting to solve the problem from the outside when what we really need to do is establish a foundation on the inside as well.

All of the books, knowledge, diets and equipment in the world will not result in your "body" prosperity unless you first have the mindset for a fit, healthy body. Only then will those other tools help you. If you don't have the mindset, then you will automatically keep reverting back to the tangible evidence of your core belief. Thus, the all too familiar "yo-yo."

Applying the laws of mind and spirit is the closest thing you will ever find to a magic pill - it addresses the problem and provides the solution at the core level of belief which is the foundation for anything that we wish to create in life. And what is unique and refreshing is that this process does not promote any specific diet or exercise - you make the conscious effort to do your part and your subconscious mind will do the rest. Any changes in your habits or routine will be inspired from the inside out...naturally...not from will power or forced action.

The whole point of subconscious conditioning is to bring our consciousness to the point of acceptance that we already are where we want to be. Then the subconscious is compulsive and will intuitively guide us to the right foods, exercise, or whatever it takes to fulfill that vision. But we must instill the right message in our mind at the core level.

Using mental techniques does not "replace" healthy eating habits. It creates them! That's the whole idea. The subconscious is the seat of habit. And of intuition. With the right mindset, your habits will become just that - healthy habits - instead of the compulsively unhealthy ones.

If your weight situation is not the result of wrong eating habits, then your subconscious knows the answer and is capable of creating the adjustments that are necessary for you to achieve your goals. There is that Universal Storehouse of Knowledge that is All Wisdom and knows all answers - all we need to do is tell it what we want by aligning ourselves with the laws - and it knows how to get us there.

So again, we use our minds to accept the idea, thought and picture of a fit, healthy person at his/her ideal weight. Once that idea is instilled in the mind, you will automatically be guided and directed to all that is necessary for you to fulfill that vision. You will intuitively want the right foods and pass on the wrong ones. You will adopt the proper exercise habits. You will be guided to the right coach or nutritional information to manifest your subconscious idea. It must happen because that is the law - the nature of mind. Mind will always create according to the seed thought.

When the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. - Emile Coue
Mindset of Being a 'Dieter'
Here is something that I want you to think about carefully. I want you to consider this and keep considering it until you grasp it fully. It will be a very important factor in your solution.

If you have the mindset of being a dieter, of having to lose weight, if that is what you consistently feel like, then your subconscious keeps adjusting your habits to conform to that idea. It keeps you being "a dieter" or "on a diet.". The subconscious does not think or reason, it just takes orders. Those orders are your thoughts and feelings.

In other words, when you do manage to lose some weight, your core belief of being a dieter will have you gain weight again so that you can continue being a dieter because that is what your subconscious mind thinks you are and thinks you want.

When you are constantly criticizing and condemning your body for its weight, you are reinforcing the very thing you don't want. Your mind will perpetuate the condition because your mind thinks that's what you want.
Do you get this?

You now have conflict between what you desire on a conscious level and what your subconscious mind thinks you want - opposing ideas. That great teacher Dr. Murphy said that if you tell a taxi driver to go to two different addresses, you will never get to your destination.
Am I qualified to make such claims about this mental process? I will let you decide. But the photos of me that appear online were taken within the past couple of years and with minor fluctuation, I have maintained this body for most of my life. I am healthy, trim, fit and look 20 years younger than my years. However, I come from a "fat" family. My mother wasn't just overweight...she was obese, and when she died in the 80s, she was younger than I am now. My younger sister is gone too. But don't think I can't gain weight easily. Oh, yes I can, but my mind won't let me. I have mentally conditioned my subconscious to it to never let me go beyond a specific weight and to keep me fit and healthy. I don't think about what I have to do to maintain it, my mind does it for me - I lift weights, I eat healthy foods and I can indulge in fattening foods sporadically without repercussions. Automatic pilot. Will the mental technique work for you? I say...what have you got to LOSE? Body back guarantee.
Forget the word "diet." This is the natural way we are created to use our minds - constructively and in alignment with Universal laws.
As a teacher of mental and spiritual laws, I learned these universal laws and prosperity principles from the most brilliant New Thought teachers, far ahead of their time. It is time for this valuable esoteric knowledge to become more mainstream. Are you ready to become your own case study?
How's this for a marketing idea: Mental weight loss clinics called "Brain Watchers International."
© Copyright 2003-2011 Marilyn Jenett
Marilyn Jenett is a highly respected prosperity mentor with an international following. She is also an accomplished businesswoman and owner of a pioneer company that served the corporate arena for 20 years. She founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. Her students, from around the globe and from all walks of life, are enjoying remarkable success applying her lessons and participating in her private and group telephone sessions and audio programs. For more information, visit her website at For details about her I Create My Body program, visit
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines, URL and copyright are included. Please print the article in its entirety and unchanged.
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Yoga to Increase Weight Loss

Stop Harming Your Body

There is an infinite amount of products on the web claiming to help people lose weight. To be honest, most of those products are dangerous to your body or simply just don't work. Yoga is a completely safe and natural way to lose weight.

Doing Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga is one of the best and easiest ways to lose weight. Many people have been using yoga for weight loss and it is very safe. There are several yoga poses specifically designed for weight loss. Yoga triggers the metabolism and helps burn calories faster. The calories burned doing yoga may not measure up to the same amount of calories as running, but running is a lot harder. Although, running burns more calories, not everyone can run. Almost anyone can do yoga. By the way unlike other exercises yoga has no side effects.
5 Poses for Weight Loss

  • Crescent Pose - For this pose get in lunge position, with your weight on the back foot, keep torso upright, with arms reaching towards the sky.
  • Locust Pose - With this pose you will lie on your stomach with your hands to your side, look forward and lift legs and head off the ground.
  • Bow Pose - While doing this you'll have to lie on your stomach with your head lifted off the ground and reach back with your hands and grab your ankles.
  • Willow Pose - To do this pose stand in a upright position, place your right foot on the inside of the left thigh, then bring hands together in a praying motion and extend arms to the sky. Alternate legs.
  • Bridge Pose - Lie on your back with feet flat on the ground, bend your knees, and lift your hips towards the sky with your hands together under your body.
These yoga poses can be done at home or at a gym and the only thing you will is need is a quiet space and a yoga mat. Each pose should be held for at least 30 seconds, up to a minute if possible. The longer the pose is kept the more calories will be burned.

Doing yoga for weight loss is easily one of the best ways to stay healthy these days. You can either do yoga in addition to your other workouts, or simply just do yoga. Either way, by doing yoga you can live a very healthy life.

More articles by Andrew W. can be read at
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Why Fish Oil Weight Loss Is The Best

Weight loss has always been one of the most difficult ventures for individuals who are overweight or obese. If you want to lose a significant amount of weight, you need delicate and plausible strategies in order to be successful.

As usual, natural methods have been rated as the best because they are not only effective but they also have minimal or no side effects. Fish oil weight loss is one of the natural ways you can rely on to reduce weight and burn out the extra calories in you.

With the use of fish oil, it is possible to lose extra pounds of the excess weight you have every month. The good news is that fish oil is natural and does not contain any stimulants or caffeine. The bad side effects such as feeling nervous or jittery will no longer be there.

Even more importantly, fish oil weight loss does not affect the energy level of the user. This is the reason why health professionals and experts have persistently rated the oil as a preferred method of weight loss. It is even more appropriate to use because it has numerous overall health benefits besides the primary goal of weight loss. For instance, it helps to maintain the healthy status of the joints, heart and brain. This is a good combination of good benefits that makes fish oil a versatile product meant for individuals who want to lose weight as well as live healthy lifestyle.

The oil works by enabling you to burn fat and build muscles. As long as you take the right amount every day, the results will be amazing. The good news is that users do not have to engage in vigorous exercise or change diet as a way of supplementing the oil for maximum weight loss. It works efficiently without the need of any combination. On the other hand, the oil works by decreasing the appetite so that the user can stay longer between meals. It simply means that you will not feel hungry so that you eat less.

According to researches and statistics conducted, it has been established that fish oil can help one to regulate and take control of his or her mood and appetite. This is because once taken, it releases a chemical called serotonin that has the best antidepressant benefits. This is the same effect that makes the oil able to reduce or completely halt sugar cravings.

Saadallah has nearly 20 years experience and education in nutrition and physical therapy. His pursuit of wellness has led him to understand the extraordinary healing power of natural whole foods and the many fish oil health benefits
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Weight Loss - Five Ways to Stay Motivated

So you've decided that it is time to lose weight. You've started your exercise routine and you are choosing healthful foods. Everything is going great for the first week. The second week rolls around and you ditched your exercise routine a couple days and find yourself not paying too much attention to what you are ordering at the restaurant with your friends. By week 3 you are back to your old habits and your weight loss goals are not being met. This is an all too common scenario when the comfort of our old habits takes hold and our new habits disappear. What happened to that motivation during the first week?

It is possible to get your motivation back so you can meet all your life's goals. Practicing these 5 steps can help you stay motivated for the long haul.

1. Create a vision.

Have you ever written a business plan before? Writing a vision is crucial for the success of your business and it is crucial for your weight loss plan. Your vision is what you are working towards and how you envision your life. Why do you want to lose weight? You must go beyond "I want to lose 15 pounds" or "I want to fit into a size 8". Go a bit deeper. What will weight loss bring you? For most people it will bring increased energy and better health. It may even allow you to participate in something you have been longing to do like run a marathon or go on a back packing trip. These are heart-felt reasons to lose weight that will keep you motivated in the long run. When you start to slide back into your old habits, just ask yourself, is this choice bringing me closer to my vision?

2. Set goals each week.

One thing that can keep you on track is to set specific goals each week. Sit down at the beginning of each week and map out some simple goals that you can set for yourself. These don't have to be huge goals, just simple ones like: I will limit my ice-cream to 1 time this week. Goals help you to stay focused while changing habits. Post your goals all over as reminders.

3. Schedule your exercise
When embarking on a new fitness program, many people go at it whenever the time permits. This is a sure-fire way to slip out of the habit. It becomes too easy to let other things in your life become the priority. Try to schedule your exercise routine the same time each week. For example scheduling your weekly walk Monday - Thursday at 5:30pm helps you to create a habit which will get easier and easier to stick with. Keep your appointment with yourself just like you would a doctor's appointment. It is just as important!
4. Build your support system

Support comes in all different forms. This may be a walking buddy, group meetings, or professional services.

No matter what road you take it is crucial to have your support system in place. This not only keeps you motivated but also helps to keep you accountable. Professional services such as a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, or Life Coach can all help to provide sound advice and strategies to help you reach your goals. There are many wonderful resources out there to provide these kinds of services. Build your support system around each topic: nutrition, fitness, and self-discovery. Even signing up for some free e-newsletters or joining a weight loss message board helps towards building your support system.
5. When all else fails: the 3-step backup promise

Ok. You've tried all of the above and your old habits are just too strong of a deterrent. This is when you break out the 3-step backup promise. Make yourself a list of 3 minimum steps you promise to take daily. These steps will differ for each person. The key is they have to be completely easy and doable for you and still work towards your weight loss goals. It could be having a fruit or vegetable with each meal, going for a 10 minute walk, lifting hand weights for 10 minutes, etc. Then, when things start to derail you can agree to do the minimum After all you did promise yourself! Make up your 3-step back-up promise so when things aren't going well you can at least stay somewhat on track with 3 doable steps.

© 2005, Meri Raffetto

Owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. She specializes in weight management and cardiovascular nutrition and offers online programs to help people reach their weight loss and health goals. For more information visit
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Why Vegan Weight Loss Is The Way To Go - Vegan Weight Loss Advice

There are so many diets out in the world today that it is easy to get frustrated and confused regarding which one is suitable for your needs. If it is sustainable and easy weight loss that you are after, and you don't want to eat low-calorie diet food that leaves you feeling deprived (and often tastes shocking!), then the vegan diet is perfect for you. Let's explore this diet to find out (1) why weight loss will occur, and (2) how you can speed-up your success on this diet.

Why Weight Loss Will Occur On The Vegan Diet:
Vegan foods do not have the "addictive" tendency like most foods today. Many people are hooked on fast food with its fatty meats and sugary, flavoured dairy products. Vegan foods are a lot more natural than the addictive man-made meals today, and consist primarily of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and whole-grains. After a person eats a meal consisting of these foods, they feel satisfied and 'at peace' afterwards, rather than 'voracious' and 'wanting more.' Therefore, since vegan foods create a calm-eating effect, it is easy to lose weight on the vegan diet without going crazy!

Full Of Fiber
Many of the meals today are stripped of their fiber (and all other goodness). This is why so many people experience a "hunger feeling" only an hour or so after their meal. On the vegan diet however, nutrients are kept in their optimal quantities, including fibre. In fact, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole-grains are all super high in fibre - so feeling hungry after a normal-sized vegan meal is unheard of! This is why the vegan diet is so great - you will be able to experience weight loss without having to go through the daily "hunger pains" that most folk experience on any other diet.

More Food. Less Calories!
Natural foods from mother-nature are low in calories, which means that you can enjoy your fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole-grains in larger portions if you desire. Of course, you need to be sensible when it comes to the quantity of oil which you use for cooking, since oil is fat, and fat is high in calories. But go ahead and feast on a huge platter of fresh fruits and vegetables. Your energy will sky-rocket and your waistline will still be happy!

How to Speed Up Your Weight Loss On the Vegan Diet
Some people unknowingly sabotage their weight loss on the vegan diet. Although most folk have no trouble at all shedding unwanted body fat on this diet - some folk do have trouble. The following pointers will help to ensure that your body's ability to lose weight on the vegan diet is at is optimal state!
(1) Measure out your olive oil when cooking and never pour it into your meal in a "free-spirited" manner!
(2) Eat no more than ½ an avocado per day
(3) Eat no more than 1 or 2 serves of nuts per day
(4) Steer away from vegan junk food. Instead, get into the habit of cooking your own vegan baking recipes. This way, you can ensure that your snacks are healthy and you can monitor the amount of fat that you put into your food. Eating too much vegan junk food is the most common reason why folk do not lose weight on the vegan diet. Whether it be chips, cookies, vegan bars, vegan chocolate bars, supermarket dips, crackers, soft drinks, and the like - you should only be eating these foods as a treat twice a week - maximum! You need to get into the habit of finding your own low-calorie vegan baking recipes and freezing them for a quick, healthy on-the-go snack.

(5) Try juicing or making your own smoothies for a healthy, nutritious and very-satisfying breakfast or snack.
(6) Walk everywhere and exercise as much as you can! You should try to get your body moving as much as you can - regardless of which diet you are on!

It is not difficult to lose weight on the vegan diet. So many folk you go on the vegan diet inadvertently lose weight - without planning or expecting to do so! So as long as you make obvious sensible decisions such as avoiding vegan junk food, and monitoring the amount of oil, nuts and avocado that you consume - weight loss will naturally occur. Certainly, weight loss on the vegan diet is the way to go!

Read more about vegan weight loss at " The Vegan Diet: Save Our Planet - Lose Weight - Glow With Health." Find out the amazing health benefits of the vegan diet, why weight loss is so easy on this lifestyle, where to get your vegan recipes from, and what to do if you are unsure about going vegan.
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Weight Loss Shakes

Ideas for Weight Loss Shakes & Smoothies
Losing weight can be a tricky and arduous process, especially with all of the information out there today about what to eat and what not to eat. However, no matter what your weight loss approach, weight loss shakes and smoothies are a surefire way to help you on your journey to becoming fit and healthy. Weight loss shakes generally fall into one of several categories, each with their own benefits to your dieting goals.
Meal Replacement Shakes

Meal planning can be one of the most difficult aspects of trying to lose weight. You want to make sure your meal is low in calories, filling, and high in vitamins and minerals. Incorporating all of these things into one meal can be tricky. Meal replacement smoothies are a great solution to this problem. Rather than cook a whole meal, replace it with one of these weight loss shakes, which already has all of the vitamins, minerals, and protein that you should be eating in a well-proportioned meal. They are also satisfying yet low in calories.

Protein Shakes
Protein shakes are a great option for a weight loss shake as well. These shakes can either be used to replace a meal or as a recovery drink after a difficult workout. They are a smart choice for athletes who are trying to drop a few pounds, as they have all of the protein that athletes need, yet none of the fat that that comes with eating animal protein. Protein also makes that body feel fuller, longer, so these weight-loss shakes can help anyone trying to lose weight, not just athletes. Just be mindful of the calories in these shakes. Some protein shakes can be higher in calories than other shakes, so be sure to drink them in moderation; once a day at most.

Fruit and Vegetable Smoothies
A daily fruit or vegetable smoothie is one of the best things that anyone, dieting or not, can include in their diet. Blending a leafy green with berries, bananas, or just about any other fruit or vegetable that you have on hand, makes for a nutrient and antioxidant-packed meal. You'd be hard-pressed to find this combination of vitamins, minerals, and free-radical fighting antioxidants and phytonutrients in any other supplement or meal replacement. These smoothies are often used as a staple in detox diets as they not only provide your body with essential nutrients, they also help to cleanse your organs of toxins that can build up in your body over time. And, since fruits and vegetable are intrinsically low in calories, they are a great low calorie option for any diet. Just be sure to never add sugar or any artificial sweetener to these weight loss shakes. Processed sugar is one of the worst things that any dieter can eat, and the fruit will provide all of the natural sweetness that you need.

All of these varieties of weight loss shakes can help you achieve the healthy body that you're striving for. With vitamins, minerals, protein, and antioxidants on their side, they are sure to give you the boost you need to get those extra pounds off. offers information regarding weight loss shakes. For more on shakes and smoothie recipes, please visit us at
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Liquid Diet Weight Loss - The Simple Way to Lose Weight

Liquid diet weight loss is achieved by controlling your calorie intake by restricting what you consume to mostly or, in extreme cases, all liquids. These liquids can be shakes or juices with which you simply replace two or three of your daily meals. Although there are some medically supervised plans available through doctors' offices or hospitals, the majority of liquid diet plans are available over the counter.

The most successful plans are those that replace just one or two meals with a shake or juice but let you eat a healthy balanced lunch or dinner. These plans will usually include in-between meals snack bars or low calorie cookies.

Always pick a liquid diet that is not too low in calories and includes that healthy dinner. Firstly, because this will produce a gradual loss, and secondly because it has been shown that you will learn healthier eating habits and these will be more likely to help you keep the weight off over the long term.

The reason that we prefer the gradual loss approach is because we want to be in accord with our bodies. If it took 20 years of neglect to get your body into its present shape it would not be reasonable to assume that you can undo all that harm in 20 minutes. The gradual approach will also strengthen the chances of the weight loss being permanent.

Don't waste your time on research into detox diets. Once you start eating healthier your liver will take care of the cleansing action. I read somewhere an advertisement that suggested that it was possible to detox your body with a glass of water containing their lemon juice. Isn't the human intestine 40 feet long? How can you flush out a garden hose with a glass of water?

Do ensure that your chosen liquid diet drink contains a balance of the nutrients that you need. This may not be the case with very low-calorie diets, say 400-800 calories per day. Missing out on essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins can lead to side effects such as fatigue, cold intolerance etc. Also check that your selection contains fibre and protein. A lack of fibre in your diet can lead to constipation and other digestive ailments. A shortage of protein in your liquid diet can lead to a loss of lean body mass.
If you follow these guidelines then losing weight can truly be simple.

Looking for that ideal weight loss system? Follow me, Bob Stallard, and I'll get you all the help that you need. To see more articles on dieting issues go to my blog here.
To discover how to lose weight quickly and easily, get my free report here.
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The Key to Weight Loss Depends On How You Think

Most people, both men and women, believe that losing weight depends on dieting and your level of activity.
And that statement is true. But dieting and your level of activity are NOT the most important components of losing weight. Very few people can maintain an eating plan and exercise program solely based on willpower. It an only last so long before old habits creep back into play. Then the weight re-appears and the cycle perpetuates.

Does this sound familiar? If it does AND you are committed to break the cycle, then start at the beginning with a plan to change your habits and re-establish a lifestyle that supports your ideal weight.

The Formula to Weight Loss
The usual formula for weight loss looks like this:

Strength training + aerobic exercise + a reasonable eating plan = weight loss
It's a time-tested formula that works for most people in the short-term. Typically, people drop a few pounds using this formula, hit a plateau, and then drop out of the program. Some survive six months and then drop out. An elite few find their ideal weight and stay at that weight.

How do the elite few manage to do it - to maintain an ideal weight plus or minus a few pounds. These "lucky" few have an advantage from the start. They use the revised weight loss formula shown below.

The Revised Formula for Weight Loss
Add in a key component to the original formula:
Weight Loss =
Strength (resistance) training
Aerobic Interval Training
A Reasonable Eating Program
Thinking Thin (changing your thinking about how you eat).
Bottom line - learn how to think thin first so you can sustain lose weight, achieve an ideal weight, and then maintain the ideal weight.

Break the Vicious Cycle
The vast majority of us who want to shed weight for reasons of health and appearance need to think differently about food and our own body images. That's the only way to break the cycle of start a diet - lose a little weight - stop dieting - gain weight back - start a diet (usually a different one).

Approaching weight loss by changing the way you think about food allows you to figure out the real reasons why you are overweight. Once that's done, you can change your habits to make permanent lifestyle changes.
For example, how often do you find yourself with an empty package of snack food as you munch in front of the TV set. Eating mindlessly is clearly a bad habit that has to go before you can drop the pounds.
How Do You Think Thin?
Quite honestly, I needed help breaking bad habits. I knew it had to be done, especially snacking on candy (totally terrible for weight and health). So, I turned to an expert who wrote a number one bestseller about the topic of thinking thin. Click here to find out what best-selling author Paul McKenna says about how to eat to lose weight.
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Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Pill

Orlistat (tetrahydrolipstatin) is a drug created to treat obesity and also anyone that is overweight. It is a prescription drug called Xenical by Roche in most markets, and sold over-the-counter as Alli by GlaxoSmithKline. Its major function is to prevent the absorption of fats from the diet by acting as a lipase inhibitor, thereby reducing fat intake. Lipase is an enzyme made by the Pancreas and it breaks down fat. So, if fats are not broken down they cannot be absorbed and the fat passes through into the stool. Orlistat should be used in conjunction with a doctor-supervised reduced-calorie diet.

Orlistat is the derivative of a potent natural inhibitor of pancreatic lipases called lipstatin. This drug definitely causes weight loss, albeit modest. Combined data from clinical trials suggest that people taking Orlistat, along with lifestyle modifications like diet and exercise, lose about 5 percent more weight than those not taking the drug over the course of a year. It also modestly reduces blood pressure, and could potentially prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, whether due to weight loss itself or to other effects. In a large randomized controlled experiment, Orlistat reduced the rate of diabetes by nearly 40% in obese individuals.
Orlistat can cause gastrointestinal side effects such as oily or loose stools. This decreases over time, however, and are the most frequently reported adverse effects of the drug. In the United States, Orlistat is available for sale without a prescription. Generic Orlistat is available in some countries.

One of the main concerns is that this drug will be used by those that do not require much, if any, weight loss. However, this concern is shared by many over the counter medicines and it is up to the individual to read the package carefully and use it correctly. One of the main reasons why some do not lose weight is that an individual may consume more fatty foods thinking that the pill will solve his problem. It is essential that a reasonable diet be consumed and a regular exercise regiment be implemented in addition to Orlistat.

Caution, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and other fat-soluble nutrients is inhibited by the use of Orlistat. A multivitamin tablet containing vitamins A, D, E, K, and beta-carotene should be taken once a day, at bedtime, when using Orlistat.

It is this authors opinion that Orlistat really does work, however, please take this medicine if you have a serious weight problem.
For more information check out my website at
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Weight Loss Is All In The Mind

So as Christmas and New Year starts to descend upon us we all start to plan for the New Year with new goals, which leave many of us thinking "what are the easiest ways to achieving our weight loss goals in 2014"?

Well for many the struggle starts with self-discipline of the mind which is the barrier for many failed weight loss attempts with a few different types of diets thrown in along the way just for good measure. The problem is as a nation we like our food and with many of us having busy lifestyles as well it can be easy for us to blame the entire failed attempt on time consumption being spread too far. But the matter of the fact is that losing weight helps to improve health with reduced risk of diseases which is worth improving surely? Surely pushing yourself to put your health first is worth it especially when you will have more benefits like:
  1. More energy
  2. Improved health and mental mood
  3. Improved fitness levels
There are many more benefits! All of the above will give you happier family time if you are more healthy and able to play with the kids more without worrying what state your health is in?

It's all in the mind and you probably don't even realize it at all. You see all of us have an emotional relation to food and exercise which can set you up for failure before you have even started, which is way we need to set goals and try to build up slowly remembering not to take on to much at once. Set realistic goals like:
The goal: I want to lose 2 stone in a year (This is the main goal)
Month 1: Cut down on fizzy drinks but having 2 cans daily maximum.
Months 2: Include more vegetables. Etc
You can also do the same for exercise to and if you wanted to could even set the monthly targets to weekly if that's works better for you then do it.

By having this kind of routine in your life it can make the whole process more bearable because you are not taking on too much at once. Build a weekly food and exercise plan with the main focus being on food consumption as this is the key area for weight loss.

Keep the mind training going and be aware of your relationship with food as his can be very important for you. If you do find that the whole process is far too hard for yourself then tries hypnotherapy as hypnosis has had much success with some people or even try a c.d which is more cheaper. If this is the route you want to go down then go and see a hypnotherapist for more advice.

There is much more information available to you at our website on hypnotherapy and the benefits that is can have on weight loss. But remember what works for one might not have the same effect on someone else and this is what makes us so unique.
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What Is the Best Exercise for Weight Loss After Pregnancy?

One of the most common questions from women is "what is the best exercise for weight loss after pregnancy"? It is difficult to find time to work out after you have had a baby. The baby demands your attention and getting back into shape can seem impossible after weight gain in pregnancy. However, it is important to identify an effective workout after, to energize you, and to enhance your fitness.

Is Walking The Best Exercise for Weight Loss?
Walking is the simplest and most effective workout after you have a baby.

One of the best things about walking is that you can do it anywhere. Walk indoors on a treadmill, or take a stroll with your baby.

Leave your car at home when you go grocery shopping to help you regain your fitness and lose weight. It is a convenient workout because it does not involve special equipment.

Taking a walk with your baby also gives you an opportunity to bond in a relaxing environment.
When to Start?
Start walking as soon as you feel strong enough to move around.
If you had a normal vaginal delivery, you can wait for a couple of weeks before you start working out.
Consult your doctor about the best time to begin a workout regime if you had a caesarean or problematic delivery.

Your health is important therefore there is no need to exert your body before it recovers. Weight gain in pregnancy is expected but you can recover to your pre-baby body with walking.

Burning Calories.
Walks will help you to burn calories. They also help tone your legs and buttocks muscles.
Taking walks will strengthen your back and work on your abdominal muscles. Building muscle is necessary if you want to lose weight.

Try to schedule your walks after pumping milk or breastfeeding your baby to avoid discomfort. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you start walking.

Exercise Footwear and Attire
Get good fitting comfortable shoes for walking to help you regain your fitness after weight gain in pregnancy. The right footwear will prevent injuries and keep you focused on the workout.
Try on different types of shoes to get a comfortable pair. Get some fitting and supportive bras to keep you comfortable when walking.

Walk Course
Select a suitable path for your walks if you prefer to exercise outdoors.
You can walk along your street or in a park. A flat course is preferable when you start walking. You can choose hilly terrain after you regain your fitness.
Use a treadmill if you cannot leave the house.

Warming Up
To get the best weight loss benefits of walking, you need to warm up before each workout. This is especially important after delivery because your movement was limited during pregnancy.
Your muscles need to be warmed up before you engage in any strenuous movements to prevent injuries. Do some stretches and march on the spot to warm up before walking.
The stretches are also important when you finish your workout. This will relax your muscles and prepare them for rest.

Walking Pace
Pace determines how many calories you will burn during your walks. Start slow when you begin walking. Try to swing your arms slowly as you walk to increase the intensity and blood flow.

Walk for between 5 and 10 minutes three or five times a week. Increase the minutes and pace with time to burn more calories. Your bodies' responses will help you to determine the right pace.

Do not strain yourself as you try to lose weight. You can break your workout into sessions to make them manageable. Try to work out for about 10 minutes three times a day and remember to reduce your pace as you approach the end of the workout session.

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss
Taking a walk is beneficial even after you have lost weight and toned your muscles after pregnancy. Parenting can be overwhelming and you need a form of exercise to help you relax. Walking will release endorphins and improve your general wellbeing. It can also help you to relieve stress and make you health and happy, which is important for your baby. Weight gain in pregnancy takes several months therefore you should not rush the weight loss process. If you are committed, walking is the best exercise for weight loss after pregnancy.

Ashley Tanner writes informative articles about infertility, pregnancy health, diet and fitness, you can read more of her informative articles at
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