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Sure, your workout boosts your mood and burns fat. But it can also bring annoying side effects. Some advice:
Long training runs can rub painful welts—even when your shoes fit perfectly. Avoid popping a blister, which only invites infection; just cover it with a bandage. If it’s really painful, clean it with soap and water and use a sterilized needle (wipe it in rubbing alcohol) to puncture and drain it, but don’t peel the skin. Apply an antibiotic ointment and a bandage. To help prevent blisters, rub on some Foot Glide ($10; before you head out.
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Post-workout aches
The technical term: delayed-onset muscle soreness. It typically happens when you increase the intensity of your workouts and begins about 24 hours after a session. Seriously sore muscles can make you feel like you deserve a day off, but lying around can make the pain worse. Instead, do something low- impact, like swimming or walking. If it hurts to, say, raise your arms, you can take ibuprofen. Heat applied to the sore areas can also help.
RELATED: The Best Post-Workout Stretches
Sports bra acne
Changing out of damp workout clothes ASAP and still getting bacne? It’s likely acne mechanica, pustules caused by trapped moisture and heat combined with friction. You aren’t about to stop working out (or skip a sports bra), but you can nix the effects of friction. Wash up right after you sweat with a body wash containing salicylic acid, which can help calm breakouts. Gently cleanse the area with your hands—scrubbing will cause more irritation.
RELATED: 16 Adult Acne Myths, Busted
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