Your alarm goes off at an ungodly hour and you realize, “Holy crap, it’s here! It’s race day!” And that’s just the first of the many thoughts I had when I toed the line at my very first race, the NYCRUNS Queens Half Marathon, just a few short weeks ago. I finished with a glowing sense of accomplishment to match my morning enthusiasm, but during the race? Well, here’s what it was like.
RELATED: 7 Tips for Running Your First Race
Mile 1
Photo: Giphy
I could be sleeping in right now. Why did I sign up for this again? Oh, right.
Mile 2
Photo: Giphy
Whew, starting to get hot as the sun comes up. Full-length leggings maybe weren’t the best idea.
Mile 3
Photo: Giphy
Here’s a new skill I’m really bad at: Drinking water while running at the same time. Definitely didn’t practice that enough.
Mile 4
Photo: Giphy
Oh no. NO. I have to go to the bathroom. Don’t think about it, don’t think about it… ahhh!
Mile 5
Photo: Giphy
This energy gel just gave me a magical boost! Maybe I actually can make it through the next 8.1 miles.
Mile 6
Photo: Giphy
That person has a super-weird run.
Mile 7
Photo: Giphy
My feet hurt. So do my legs. And my lungs.
Mile 8
Photo: Giphy
Seriously, where can I get pizza after this?
Mile 9
Photo: Giphy
My legs are on fire, and I’m probably going to need to be taken home on a stretcher.
Mile 10
Photo: Giphy
But I have to make it to the end, or else I won’t get to take a finish-line selfie.
Mile 11
Photo: Giphy
Eff yes! Rihanna “Disturbia” is here to save me. Thank you, playlist.
Mile 12
Photo: Giphy
Wait, what? Where did this humongous hill come from? I thought the hard part was over.
Mile 13
Photo: Giphy
Just one little. bit. farther
Mile 13.1
Photo: Giphy
Whew, I made it!!!
Photo: Giphy
That wasn’t even that hard.
RELATED: Motivational Mantras To Get You Through Your Toughest Workouts
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