Photo: Courtesy of MIMI
Are you tired of hearing that you should be wearing SPF? Newsflash: If you wore it, we wouldn’t have to keep telling you to! So we took to the street (er, the beach) to see just how many millennials actually wear sunscreen. Our findings were not promising. Watch below and see for yourself.
A few lessons we can learn:
- While SPF 4 is something, in the grand scheme of things, it’s nothing. That SPF is in your oil so you can talk yourself into believing you’re doing the right thing. You’re not.
- Applying sunscreen to your face to protect against wrinkles and sunspots is a good start, but it’s not enough. Apply sunscreen to your whole body to protect against skin cancer.
- You know all those scary advertisements where kids pull their teeth out to get a pack of cigarettes? Same thing applies here. Skin cancer is deadly, and in my opinion, being bronze is not worth dying over.
- According to the Environment Working Group, SPF 50 is the highest effective protection. Don’t worry about shooting for SPF 100 and know you’re not settling by using an SPF 45.
- It’s never too late to start wearing SPF. It’s as easy as buying moisturizer and foundation with SPF 30 for daily protection and applying (and reapplying) at the beach.
- But there is good news: You don’t necessarily have to give up your oil habit. Sunscreen brand SuperGoop! created an oil spray with an SPF 50 that actually works—trust me.
Unfortunately, this video is representative of a recent survey that showed nearly four out of five millennials don’t use sunscreen regularly. Try holding yourself, your family, and your friends accountable (like the last guy!) and if you do get burned, follow our tips for a speedy recovery.
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